Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Mother's Day....a little late!

As I was doing my Spring cleaning (a little late), I found my Mother's Day card that Weston had made me at school. It was buried underneath a months worth of papers that seem to magically stack up in the kitchen. So, as I'm cleaning I find found this and needless to say, the tears started flowing. How blessed I am to have an incredible, loving, and caring son!

Happy Mother's Day
by Weston

I can hear your graceful voice wake me up. I love when you geive me hugs every night. Everyday I can hear your voice in my head and I think about you. At all of my baseball games you cheer me on. You clean the house, you clean my clothes. I feel so special that I have a mom like you. You help me with my homework. You help me clean my room. You make me wonderful breakfastes, lunches, and dinners.
You're the best mom ever. I love you.
Happy Mother's Day